When is National Best Friends Day?

A girl’s best friend is the person they can turn to no matter what. That type of dedication and love is something special and definitely deserves celebrating. I love knowing that I am there for the special people in my life, so this year I wanted to make sure to return the favor.

National Best Friends Day is on June 8th

and this post has everything you need to pull off the PERFECT DAY with your bestie!

What to Do for National Best Friends Day

Now that we know it’s important to celebrate those wonderful BFFs that have stood the test of time with us, what should you do for National Best Friends Day? We created the ultimate “Top Ten” list!

Top 10 Ideas for Best Friends Day

Complete a Best Friends Day Bucket List

If you are lucky enough to live close by your bestie, we thought you might like a day planned out for the both of you! With this National BFF Day bucket list, you both are for sure getting spoiled AND having the best day together! Print off this adorable bucket list and go to town! Courtney from Paperelli created it (so cute!) and these 5 ideas can be done anywhere and in any order! FYI, there are two versions of the printable bucket list: a prepped one and a blank one for you to fill up with your own ideas. You can also just download the digital version (linked below) and keep track on your phone. It would be really fun to text your bestie the bucket list so they can get excited about your day out!

Social Media Templates & Cards for a BFF Shoutout

If you don’t have the chance to be with your bestie (or even if you do!), we wanted to give you a chance to recognize them on Best Friends Day via a social media shout out. We created four adorable social media templates you could post on your social media profile highlighting your BFF! How fun is that? These sweet Instagram story post templates allow you to pop in your favorite photos, your friend’s handle, and post away! It’s a quick and easy way to make a big statement and thank them for being the peanut butter to your jelly. 😉 Linked below there are also two adorable cards that you can snail-mail to your bestie ahead of time. Can you imagine how exciting it would be to have actual mail from your best friend? It’s the best! Make your BFF’s day with both a social shoutout AND a card this National Best Friends Day!

Celebrate National Best Friends Day With Your Spouse

We wouldn’t be the Divas if we didn’t think of a way to include your spouse in your National Best Friends Day 2021 celebrations! You know we have your back! After spending some wonderful time with your girlfriend, go home to that forever best friend of yours for some one-on-one time. We created an adorable Best Friends Day Couple Survey that you and your spouse could complete for a fun date! Go through the list and write down your answers, and then compare! It will bring up some great memories, answer a few questions, and question #10 might just lead so some very special time together. 😉 You could also have a special gift ready for your sweetie on Best Friends Day. Here are some of our favorite gifts for men that would be perfect for National Best Friends Day!

A special print all about loveA year of date nights that are planned out for you A road trip that is all planned and prepped“Open when…” LettersA 5 senses giftA bucket list to conquer together

More important than the gifts, the games, or the treats, is just spending time together. Enjoy Best Friends Day with the ones that you love! Now check out all the FREE printables and templates linked below!

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