1. Make Mindfulness Fun

“When we teach kids mindfulness, it helps to turn the lesson into a fun activity—through play, movement, visualization, and games,” writes Christopher Willard. One way to teach kids to follow the breath in difficult moments is with this breath ball practice. All you need is an expandable ball called a Hoberman sphere or your own ten fingers to create a DIY sphere with your hands. 

2. Notice Positive Moments

Mark Bertin says kids may feel stressed by a test, or a friend, or their parents and it can be hard to let go of that kind of thought. Like anything else, focusing on the good stuff can take a lot of practice. Here’s an eight-minute guided meditation for encouraging kids and teens to notice the positive.

3. Breathe

Wendy O’Leary also recommends breathing practices to calm your child’s nervous system. To try four square breathing, “breathe in for a count of four. Hold for a count of four. Breathe out for a count of four. Hold for a count of four. Do several rounds and return to normal breathing,” writes O’Leary.

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Mindful Staff June 11, 2020

Christopher Willard December 28, 2022

Barry Boyce November 22, 2022

Erica B. Marcus November 16, 2022