Consider the following questions as a guide, asking yourself:

What is it that I truly need?What is it that I need to hear from others?What would I like whispered in my ear every single day, something that would make me realize that I needed to hear that?

See if these can be formulated into phrases or wishes for yourself. Phrases that are clear, direct, warm, and kind. Phrases that don’t provoke any argument in the mind, and are accepted freely by your open heart.  You can use phrases that are fairly standard and available, like, “May I be happy. May I be peaceful. May I be healthy. May I live with ease.” Take some time now to choose the phrases that you would like to offer yourself as a gift. A gift from you to you in this meditation. Phrases you formulated, or the phrases that have been offered, whatever seems right to you.  What would I like to whisper in my own ear over and over again?  What gift would you I to give myself in this moment?

Explore this Guided Kindness Meditation