I also feel like the holidays do two things to my marriage; it brings us together to enjoy awesome food and great company AND keeps me running so quickly that I often forget that I have a very important relationship that always needs me to contribute to!

If you have already purchased our new ebook, The A to Z Guide, 26 Ways in 26 Days to a Happier, Heathier Marriage, then you know what I am talking about when I say it is possible to have even more in your marriage than you have now. Sweet! I can have my cake and eat it too!! If you haven’t purchased this incredible book OR if you STILL have that “hard to shop for” person on your list, this is a fabulous gift! And for a very limited time, you can purchase this book with our Ultimate Date Book {to be released March 15, 2012} at an insane discount!! Almost 50% off. So today, I am your Groupon deliverer, Plum District, Living Social whatever sites you watch for ah-mazing deals! Don’t miss this one, time is running out. This special ENDS on December 31st!! The best part is…if this is a gift you are giving away, we will deliver the book right to the receiver’s email inbox on Christmas Eve OR Christmas!! It doesn’t get any better than that!! It’s like FREE SHIPPING!!! Oh my… I el–oh–vee–ee free shipping!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

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