Resetting the Table: A People’s Food Policy for Canada was released on April 18. The People’s Food Policy Project is the result of two years of interviews with 3,500 people. Created by grassroots organizations and individuals across the country the project’s goal is to create food sovereignty for Canadians. This means “connecting that people have a say in how their food is produced and where it comes from. Food sovereignty seeks to rebuild the relationship between people and the land, and between those who grow and harvest food and those who eat it,” says the website. The project is calling for significant government overhauls in current food policy practices. It wants the government to create a democratic policy on food production. The project believes Canadians have a right to be involved in where and how their food is produced. The initiative hopes to  “ensure the provision of healthy food for all, create a place for citizens in shaping food policy and programs, and support the web of relationships among peoples and the natural world in which we live.” Read and download a pdf of the policy here.  Read more on the initiative here. Learn how you can put this policy into action here.