Lasting longer in bed has the ability to draw out feelings of pleasure and will also give you a better sense of control. Not to mention, prolonging sexual activities will help both spouses have fulfilling sex and achieve climax! Pretty great combination, right? Whether you’re looking to simply increase the duration of your sexual activities, or you’re often reaching climax well before your spouse, we can help! We have researched (and tested out 😉) some techniques, and are here to share some of the best natural tips and tricks on how to last longer in bed! Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here.

How Long Should Sex Last?

Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking. It’s the age-old question SO many married couples wonder: How long does sex last for the average couple? Well, there are a lot of factors that cause many individuals to have a false idea of how long sex should be lasting. However, according to a 2005 study, penetrative sex lasts for approximately 5-6 minutes for the average couple (Kennedy, 2020). On the other hand, it is important to remember there is definitely no correct amount of time for sexual activity to last. You and your spouse should communicate what works best for you as a couple, as well as any expectations you may have for your sex life.

Why You Might Not Be Lasting as Long as You Want To

It is relatively common to enjoy having sex for only a few minutes. However, if the desire to enjoy having sex for SEVERAL minutes is there, and you’re unable to physically, this is something you may need help with. If this is a recurring issue you and your spouse are experiencing, there may be an underlying reason. Some potential reasons may include things like:

Psychology: Some studies show performance anxiety, depression, stress, or even guilt may lead to a speedy finish (Kennedy, 2020).Experience: Your level of sexual experience may also play a role in this! The less frequently men engage in sexual intercourse, the more likely they are to climax quickly.Biological Differences Between Men & Women: Research concludes that the average woman needs 13.41 minutes to achieve orgasm from penetrative intercourse. However, the average man only needs 5.4 minutes (Villines, 2020). Sometimes, it just boils down to the way we were created!

Tips for Making Sex Last Longer

If you are looking for ways to kick things up a notch in the bedroom and discover how to last longer in bed, we can help! Here are 10 natural things you can try with your spouse to help make sex last longer: If you still feel that you need further help on how to last longer during sex, don’t be afraid to speak to your doctor about it! They may be able to provide additional assistance or refer you to a specialist. For those of you willing to try out a few of our suggestions, it may take a little time and experimentation to find out what works best for both you and your spouse. But, our archives of Sexy Date Ideas might be the perfect place to start! I could definitely think of worse ways to spend my time, couldn’t you?! 😉 Sources: Fletcher, J. & Schaefer, A. (2022). Healthline. “How to Last Longer in Bed”. Kennedy, M. (2020, June 6). Business Insider. “5 Ways Men Can Last Longer During Sex”. Kennedy, M. (2022, February 4). Insider. “16 Tips for Men to Last Longer in Bed”. Villines, Z. (2020). Medical News Today. “What Techniques Can Help a Person Last Longer in Bed?”.

How To Last Longer In Bed  10 Natural Tips   Tricks - 53How To Last Longer In Bed  10 Natural Tips   Tricks - 22How To Last Longer In Bed  10 Natural Tips   Tricks - 28How To Last Longer In Bed  10 Natural Tips   Tricks - 18How To Last Longer In Bed  10 Natural Tips   Tricks - 19