Reanna Mathis is a public advocate for chronic health difficulties online. She is a wife, stay-at-home mom, and has found purpose in the pain of her chronic illness by staying active in her writing.

What is a Chronic Illness?

What is a chronic illness and how does it really impact marriages? Because chronic conditions may sound like a rare circumstance, you may be surprised to learn that nearly HALF of all Americans cope with a chronic ailment. This is a large and drastic number especially as we learn of the unique difficulties these couples are prone to face. Emily Williams, a wife, mom, and chronic refractory migraine sufferer, shares her story openly online. She is transparent with the ways her chronic condition impacts her marriage and encourages many fellow chronic illness sufferers in their health and relational journeys.

How to Cope With Your Chronic Illness

The first days following large news from your doctor impact everyone differently. You may feel numb, emotional, angry, distressed, or any combination of the list. One of the most common reactions to a difficult chronic diagnosis is often grief. Though grief is frequently associated with loss, many overlook that we can grieve loss of normalcy in our lives as well. Harvard Health lists several great steps to keep in mind after discovering your ailment:

When Your Spouse is Diagnosed With A Chronic Disease

The average divorce rate in the United States currently sits around 40%. However, the divorce rate for couples facing a diagnosis of a chronic condition that plagues their everyday life is upwards of 70%. This statistic is exceptionally sobering, but your story CAN be one of great success if you allow it to be. Here are a few tips from fellow chronic illness conquerors!

Conclusion & Resources

Chronic illness changes everything. It is okay to grieve with your spouse over the way you had once hoped things would be. The truth is, the picturesque future you desire is still possible. This image just may look different than you once imagined. Resources Focus On The Family – Chronic Illness in Marriage Coping with a Diagnosis of Chronic Illness When Your Marriage Experiences More ‘in Sickness’ Than ‘in Health’ When Chronic Illness Changes the Person You Married How We Make Our Marriage Work With Chronic Illness @the_mindful_migraineur

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