It’s that time again! Another great LOVE ON THE RUN IDEA! If you are new to our love on the run series, see what they are all about HERE!  

Our Love on the Run idea today is as easy as it gets {wink!}

 Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity for some intimate time with your spouse, you just need to go and surprise them when they are least expecting it! Reclaim that romance with the element of surprise:) If you are looking for some more fabulous Love on the Run ideas you will love Sweet Kisses for your Sweetheart and a simple tip to Make Dinner Fancy Tonight.

Love on the Run  47   Whisper a Secret Invitation to your Sweetheart - 89Love on the Run  47   Whisper a Secret Invitation to your Sweetheart - 33Love on the Run  47   Whisper a Secret Invitation to your Sweetheart - 12Love on the Run  47   Whisper a Secret Invitation to your Sweetheart - 3