I love date night, but what makes it even more great is when I can plan a fun, creative and frugal date night!  If I can plan a date night that incorporates all 3, I feel like I have really scored!!!!  This fun scavenger hunt not only has elements of fun, creativity and doesn’t cost money- but it has 4 different hunts included!  That means ONE or MORE amazing date nights! Wahoo!  Sign me up!!!

Courtney from All Things Bright and Beautiful created these amazing printables that include an invite, rules of the hunt, and 4 different scavenger hunts to go on.  She is seriously so talented!  Check out her site today to see what she can create for you! What I love about this fun date night is it’s versatility… you can go with just you and your hubby on all 4 hunts on different nights or the same night, you can go with your hubby on 1 or 2 hunts – then go on the other hunts with a group of friends, you can do all hunts with a group of friends, or you can just pick one hunt that is your favorite to go on with just your hubby or choose a group of friends to go with.  The possibilities are endless!

I thought that this would be a fun group date, so once I decided which couples I was planning on inviting, I took my invites to them and also gave one to my fabulous hubby!

On the appointed day, I had enough copies of the checklists and also a copy of the rules for each couple. I wanted to make sure there was NO confusion on the rules!  🙂 We decided to go on 2 of the hunts and headed off to the mall.

Just as an FYI before you leave, you might want to make sure there is enough space on your camera to take a bajillion pictures!  We couldn’t help but take multiple pics for each item, so by the end of the night we had TONS of pictures to review.  It was a blast!  It also helped make sure that the couple/person who won – actually did WIN {aka – didn’t cheat }!  That’s why taking a picture for each item was a rule, because it is PROOF that there wasn’t any cheating going on.  Cheating is NOT allowed 🙂 .  

Let’s just say it was an epic night.  We laughed and joked, got great exercise running around, and just had a BLAST!  It is a night that I will remember for a long time. Now that you have heard about my fun night, are you ready to have your own?  Just print out the printables, decide who you are going to invite, how many scavenger hunts you will go on for your fun date night, and then go make some awesome memories!

Mall Scavenger Hunt Date Night - 86Mall Scavenger Hunt Date Night - 68Mall Scavenger Hunt Date Night - 4Mall Scavenger Hunt Date Night - 62Mall Scavenger Hunt Date Night - 53Mall Scavenger Hunt Date Night - 61