Looking for a way to change things up tonight??? Here’s an easy and sexy idea that is sure to please! Raid your kitchen for scrumptious treats to ignite sparks in the bedroom. Tease your spouse with a yummy and seductive guessing game of “Name that Treat.”  

Each of you secretly collect an array of yummy treats like peanut butter, cool whip, pixie sticks, honey, cream cheese, strawberries, caramel syrup, pudding, frosting, etc. Don’t show each other what you’ve selected or you will ruin the fun! Seductively blindfold your spouse. Place a treat on your body wherever you want. Have your spouse lick it off and guess what it is. They have to keep licking and guessing until they get it right. Take turns and get through all your treats before you dive into the best treat of all, each other!   PS. If you don’t want a huge mess to clean up, lay a spare sheet down before bringing out all the treats!

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