Nude Day

Here’s what you need to do to prepare for National Nude Day: take the first printable, announcing, “Happy National Nude Day!” and put it on top of a present box. Since it’s a present,  use a gift bag or even something as simple as a brown paper sack.

Then, on the inside of the present, put the second printable at the bottom of the box/gift bag/brown paper sack. So when it is opened the “*All necessary supplies included” text suddenly makes a lot more sense.

Prepare for the Celebration

We included a variety of different options for printables. So you can choose a printable for inside the box based on what you think is the cutest or funniest!

Options for the inside printables can include phrases like:

Requesting the presence of your royal heinie How difficult was it to be clothed on National Nude Day? Bare it all to me! Place your clothes here Can’t wait to see you in your one-button suit!

Pretty cute, right? So pick your favorite, and save the others for next year! Place the printable in the box and you are ready to celebrate National Nude Day!

Nude Day Celebration

Your honey will get the present informing him of the national holiday and when he opens the gift he will know just what to do! When he reads that “*All necessary supplies are included”… and when he opens his present, it will be EMPTY!  Just a note informing him that it is National NUDE Day (hence the empty box!) and you’ll see him at the designated time to celebrate!

Happy celebrating! July 14th will be one of your new favorite holidays!

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