There is so much fun to be had without electricity! This date idea did not come to me on a whim but rather occurred by circumstance.  A few months ago, we were hit by a bad storm which caused our power to go out.  It wasn’t just a few hours but instead FOUR days without power! Thank goodness for nearby family!  Looking back we can laugh, and that’s why I decided to plan this Power Outage date.  It is a fun reminder of some of the creative things we came up with to keep us busy during this unpleasant time!

The Invite Sneak this adorable invite, designed by our very own Diva Elizabeth, into your hubby’s briefcase or somewhere he will be sure to see it!.

The Date If you’re wondering what type of fun options you can do on a date with no electricity, have NO worries! I’ve included a fabulous, printable checklist full of bright (pun intended  :lol:) ideas:

Dinner by candlelight – (if you have an electric stove, you might be in trouble… good thing I had a gas one! Take turns telling a ghost story Dress up in glow stick jewelry

Create shadow puppets on the wall A little truth or dare never hurt anyone {wink wink} Dust off those old board games OR stack of cards and play by candlelight Catch up on much needed conversation Pick a favorite Dating Diva intimate moment and get busy!

Can you believe you just enjoyed a date with NO movie, cell phone or computer?!  I can!! For more fun in the dark, try Michelle’s Star Light, Star Bright date!


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