Ready for a night of chance and illusion? We’ve created a fun date night involving card tricks, dinner, entertainment, and of course, FREE printables! With this date you’ll plan out the activities and let the “roll of the die” decide what’s next!

Sounds exciting right?! Well, here’s how it works! First step, download & print! The amazing Jennafer from Oh Creative One has created some incredible free printables to make this date super fun! Download them from the link at the bottom of this post. Next, cut & assemble! Your printables include an invitation (two invitations included: one if you’re a King inviting your Queen and one if you are a Queen inviting your King), a foldable die (cut along the outer edge, fold and glue flaps to make a cube), six food labels (cut each out individually and tape them to toothpicks), and six activity cards (cut along the outer edge of each card, fold along the dotted line and glue for a back-to-back effect).

And finally, plan & execute! Now is the best part! Look at each activity card and make a plan of action. Some activities will take more planning than others. When planning, remember that these will all be done in random order. To begin your date, roll the die to see what your first activity will be. When you’ve completed that activity, roll the die again and move onto the next activity. Continue until you have finished all of the activities. So fun!

Tips for planning your date: Dinner: Plan a six course meal. My six courses were: drink-juice, meat-chicken, veggie-asparagus, potato-sweet potato fries, salad-spinach with sweet peppers, and dessert-cheesecake. Make your meal just before the date and place the food labels randomly in each course. When you roll the dinner activity card, you will roll the die again to see what course to eat first, second, third, and so on. Magic: Time for a little illusion! For this portion, you and your date will be learning a magic trick together! Make sure you have a deck of cards, or coin handy. There are tons of awesome magic tricks on YouTube! Maybe to kick things off, you could prepare a magic trick to perform and impress your sweetheart with your sleight of hand! Photo Op: This one is simple to prepare. Just be sure to have a phone or camera handy. Don’t forget to post it to your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with #DateLikeaDiva to be a part of The Dating Diva social media scene! Romance: This part of the plan is all up to you and your sweetheart. You can prepare one of our fun intimacy games found in our 75 Sexy Bedroom Games Round-up, simply have a good old fashioned make out session, or pick out something sexy to wear for a more intimate event. Here are all the details on my date… just kidding! Not even going there! {wink!} Movie: You can either create a fun YouTube playlist, choose a movie to watch together, or let the die decide! We highly recommend the movie When the Game Stands Tall. It’s an inspirational movie you will both love! Game: Since you’ve got your deck of cards ready, try some fun card games. Check out Paige’s post 50+ Games for 2 With a Deck of Cards. You’re sure to find something fantastic to play!

 Roll of the Die  Chance Date Night - 34 Roll of the Die  Chance Date Night - 93 Roll of the Die  Chance Date Night - 7 Roll of the Die  Chance Date Night - 47 Roll of the Die  Chance Date Night - 41