Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. I had to figure out how to make it generic enough for all you readers, but with a little mystery to it to still make it interesting for my hubby. To start you will need to download and print clue #1, clue #2, clue #3, clue #4, clue #5, and clue #6 to leave for your hubby. Clue #1 was left right outside our door where he would find it when arriving home from work. It led him to Clue #2 which was in the microwave. Clue #3 was in the pantry which led him to Clue #4 in the oven. Clue #5 was in the fridge, that led to Clue #6 in our bedroom. Clue #6 directed him to our backyard where I was awaiting with our food and activities for the night! Now, if you don’t have a backyard then you can hand write on your last clue directions/address to a park or other location where you might want to have your date. PS- sorry my clues don’t look so cute in the pics. Right now we don’t have a colored printer and I am BEGGING my hubby to let us hook ours back up. sigh

Now, to spice things up just a bit, along with the clues I figured he could collect items that we needed for our date. So, the first clue was inside a picnic basket in which he would put all the items found with the clues. Need a cute basket? Here is a really cute Picnic Basket Kit! It includes plates, napkins, cups, plastic silverware, balloons, and a tablecloth! Joseph and I LOVE Panda Express so I thought it would be perfect to leave him the items we would need to actually EAT our food. I left napkins (clue #2), plastic utensils (clue #3), and then some more ‘romantic’ items…of course I had to include Lisa M.’s His and Her glasses (clue #4)and some sparkling juice, which I LOVE (clue #5). The last item I had Joseph collect was a blanket to keep us warm during our date (clue #6)! I just LOVE excuses to be close to my hubby!

Outside I had set up a cute little picnic for us to eat our food. I wanted to stick with the traditional red and white picnic theme (most picnic tablecloths are red and white checkers), and also my theme for the clues I made. Anyway, I brought out our camping sleep mats, covered them with a blanket, and brought our pillows for us to lay on. I then laid out our activities for the night. Obviously our food, then treats, my laptop computer, and a couple of movie choices from our public library (gotta LOVE free movies!).

Once he found all the items, clues, and ME, he got to pick out what movie we would watch under the stars, BUT it had to be AFTER we were finished eating. We had a blast talking about the scavenger hunt, eating our food, and finishing up the date with movie and treats! It was such a fun date and I hope you enjoy it too! Remember you can be creative and change anything you want. Have fun!

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