Of course – we gotta get a LITTLE creative!  🙂 I was trying to think of a fun way to kick off our date….but at the same time make it SUPER easy for all of you to duplicate. I remembered a darling scrapbooked card I saw a long time ago….and recreated it in Photoshop to share with all of you!

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Turkey Treat Bag Printables (download below) Paper Sack Scissors Tape Feathers {Optional}

 I figured everyone would have those items lying around the house….and then you can hopefully print off the FREE download.  I put it together first without the feathers….and it still looked DARLING!  {I just happened to have these feather from a previous project.}  Want to see what it will make when you combine all of those materials above?!?

Fun, huh!  Included in the download are a couple of blank “talking bubbles” so you can write your OWN message on it for your spouse!  I also thought this would be adorable for your children OR for the neighbors! {Just grab some of your favorite Thanksgiving treats to put in the bag & then involve your children in delivering them.}  P.S. I even put a little blush on the turkey’s cheeks…it turned out cute, if you wanted to try that as well.  I filled this with treats for my husband and this was our “kick-off” to the date.  If you had a specific time in mind for your activity, you could put this little bag together, create your OWN message, and leave it somewhere that your spouse will see it that morning.  Anticipation is half the fun!  Your spouse will have something fun to look forward to that night! “THANKSGIVING PREP” DATE ACTIVITIES: Like I mentioned above – we wanted to think of things for this date that we would either already be doing OR would go along with the theme of “Thanksgiving”.  Here are the ideas that would help make your week a little easier….

#1 – Sit down & write out your Thanksgiving shopping list.  Split it up between the two of you {so you each have half of the items} and RACE to be the first one to gather everything on your list at the grocery store.  To make it even better…decide ahead of time what the prize will be for the winner.  Both my husband & I would say a “BACK MASSAGE”!!  If it were my sister-in-law….she would say, “Off diaper duty for a WEEK!”  🙂 #2 – Clean the house to prepare for the “big night”.  Not fun, you say?  I beg to differ!  Everything can be fun….it just depends on your attitude.  I actually think another diva put together a date night centered around cleaning the house!  {Look for that in the future….}  Put on your FAVORITE tunes, make a list of what needs to be done/cleaning, split it up & set time limits.  For each item completed in the time allotted….that spouse gets a point.  {Ahem…no cutting corners…}  Just like above, decide on the Grand Prize beforehand!

#3 – Pies are a HUGE deal around Thanksgiving time!  Spend time together in the kitchen making & baking those delicious desserts!  Kari posted a YUMMY pie recipe  last year.  The sooner you get ANY food prepping done, the more you will enjoy the holiday!  Kari also wrote a FABULOUS post last year giving us all her tips & tricks to make prepping Thanksgiving food faster!  Be sure to check it out! #4 –  If you are having Thanksgiving at your house, how are you going to decorate the table? The two of you can figure this out & put it together. We recently asked on our Facebook Page what Thanksgiving traditions people had & some of our readers responded with REALLY cute ideas!!   Amanda said that her mother made a tablecloth out of canvas one year.  Markers were distributed around the table & family members wrote their names & what they were thankful for.  She said it was fun to read “entries” from past years.  I loved that idea!  If you are looking for inspiration for YOUR centerpieces – LOOK NO FURTHER!  One word – PINTEREST!  Just search “Thanksgiving centerpieces” and you will find a million options!!  We have some upcoming posts that will give you any details you will want to know about this awesome new website, Pinterest!  Until then, feel free to browse our boards!  Fabulous place for inspiration!  🙂

#5 – Black Friday Date– How many of you are “Black Friday” die-hards??  Why not make a date out of that!?  Create your shopping lists, put together a “plan of attack”, & figure out ways to make it FUN!  One year – we REALLY put together our plan!  It was beautifully executed! We involved our siblings & my in-laws…everyone went to a different store, grabbed all of the items people wanted from that ONE store, and we all met up afterwards, exchanged items/money, & drank hot cocoa!  We were tired but I believe we knocked EVERY Christmas present off our lists….and saved a TON of money!  It was also a lot of fun doing it together.  BUT – don’t stop there!  After an afternoon nap, plan a game night or movie night!  Something SUPER relaxing to celebrate your victorious catches of the day! OTHER DATE ACTIVITIES: We actually did a few of the ideas below.  Lots of fun!  You could pick from this list if you are all “caught up” on the festivities and are looking for a Thanksgiving-holiday activity to do…

#1 –  Make these ADORABLE turkey cookies together!  Items needed: Oreos, candy corn, malt balls/whoppers, peanut butter cups, white frosting, chocolate frosting, & food coloring.  These are SO fun to make….and super easy!  This was a tradition growing up, my mom would always have us make these cookies around Thanksgiving time.  {BTW – the dot in the middle of the eye is a sprinkle.  Three other tips…  #1 – I just popped the tip off the candy corn to make the beaks.  #2 – I took a small spoonful of white frosting, mixed in a little yellow & red food coloring, & spooned the orange frosting into a baggie….in which I had cut a tiny tip out of the corner.  This made it a cinch to squeeze out the frosting so I could create the feet. #3 – I also used frosting in a baggie to do the tiny eyes. Great solution if you don’t have all of the cake decorating tools.} #2 – Organize a TURKEY BOWL!!  Cold November football!  We actually played this on Thanksgiving Day once.  It was hilarious!  I believe the women dropped the football just about every time – but we laughed a lot and enjoyed it immensely….which is the whole point, right? #3 – A PIE contest!  You could either do a pie tasting contest OR a pie eating contest.  I’m a wimpy eater….so I would opt for the TASTING one!  I am betting the husbands would LOVE the pie-EATing contest!  🙂 #4 – Use the printables included in this post & put together a treat to “doorbell ditch” neighbors or friends.  This time of year always makes ME extremely grateful for all of my blessings.  What a better way to celebrate the season of “thanks” by giving others something to be thankful for!

 #5 – Service Group Date – A very rewarding group date could be to organize food baskets to deliver to a nearby homeless shelter OR needy family.  Each couple could be in charge of certain food items.  Put it all together & drop them off to families the night before Thanksgiving!  Even delivering canned food items to a nearby food bank….ANYTHING service-related would be a great “pick-me-up” just in time for the holidays!

Last but not least, make SURE you spend time reflecting on all of your blessings!  What are you thankful for?  Sometimes it takes a meaningful holiday like Thanksgiving to get us to slow down, think about all of our loved ones, and enjoy the journey of life a little more.  I, for one, am EXTREMELY thankful for my supportive and loving husband! 🙂 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! For more amazing delicious recipes that The Divas’ husbands love, check out our Dating Divas Recipes Revealed Cookbook!

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