This post was contributed by our honorary diva, Charlene.  Here she is: My sweet husband surprised me with yet another perfect birthday! My favorite thing about this day was he got the entire day off! He is really busy and our time together is limited. This meant more to me than words can describe. Our Hubby Guest Blogger for this month is my man, Nate! My one and only true LOVE whom I can’t wait to grow old with! Let’s try the Flower thing, one more time….

At some point in every man’s life, he comes to the crossroad of wanting to do something nice for a particular someone else. This can be very dangerous for your self esteem and overall “manhood” if you botch things up. Most of the time flowers play some part of this complex formula that equal the affections of their love. This post is designed to help you to portray and express those feelings of love and affections in a smooth and intimate kind of way.

 The Lilies were probably my favorite flower that I gave her. The white lily represents purity in heart and in mind. I found the perfect poem about lilies that I printed off along with a short message of why I think she is ‘Pure in Heart’.

 Roses are an obvious reflection of love, beauty and passion. I gave these to her along with a simple invitation to come and enjoy a night out with me at all her favorite places.    

The Power of Flowers - 48The Power of Flowers - 73The Power of Flowers - 73The Power of Flowers - 41The Power of Flowers - 73The Power of Flowers - 88The Power of Flowers - 56The Power of Flowers - 93The Power of Flowers - 15