That’s the number of people who applied to Mars One, a private non-profit company that plans to set up a human colony on Mars by 2025. Last month, Mars One narrowed the pool to 100 candidates. We found a few people who listed meditation as one of their interests. Elena is one of them. She’s a doctor with two kids, living in the UK. “I’m attracted to the unknown. I want to know as much as possible what is out there,” she says in a video on her Mars One profile. Etsuko a Japanese chef, lists walking meditation as one of her interests. She ends her video with: “I hope to see you at my sushi bar on Mars.” Andrew Tunks, a 28-year-old from the US, told Vice that he thinks his meditation practice would be a valuable asset in the Mars mission. “I meditate quite a lot and think I’m very peaceful,” he said. Do you meditate? Do you think meditation would be an asset to the first batch of humans stationed on Mars?