People agreed to pose as a homeless person. Then, they had their unsuspecting relatives (wife, sister, cousin, grandson) walk by. The relatives didn’t even notice their loved ones.

Underneath every human being is a need for belonging. We all have a need to feel cared about, to be understood, to be accepted. Whether it’s someone who is homeless, a friend, a cousin, a sister, a brother, parents or grandparents, our brains begin to objectify them and often times forget the common humanity that binds us. Right now, break out of this routine and open your mind to these three questions:

Who are you grateful for? Why are you grateful for them? How do you express your gratitude? (This is the part that is often left out, yet the most critical).

Make a commitment right now or at some point today to express it and see if you notice feeling a bit happier. Our brain’s greatest blind spot may be that it is wired to make everything in object. But we have to remember that everyone is worthy of love and belonging (including ourselves). Choosing that is a conscious choice and that starts with mindfulness. PS – For fun, if you want to try out a little experiment to see beyond the object and experience the commonalities behind you and other people in your life, even a homeless person, try the 2-minute “Just Like Me” practice. Adapted from Mindfulness & Psychotherapy.